Our Cable Company, RCN, Brightens our Day

JK and Elissa
March 17,2020 12:15 AM - Comment(s)

Voice Control!

Today we watched the news in horror as the world continues to crumble....

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average down nearly 3000 points / nearly 13%
  • We learned that gatherings of more than 10 not advised nationally
  • Officially recognized that the COVID-19 crisis could last through the summer
  • As of tonight all restaurants and bars in Illinois closed for dine in - pick up still an option
With all the bad news going on, there is some good news! Our cable company, RCN, Voice enabled our new remotes!  
And now for the best 6 minutes of your day....George Carlin's take on Germs!!  
George Carlin's 6 minutes on germs!

JK and Elissa